Tuesday, August 31, 2010

RSS feeds

This blog provides a way to track posts, very similar to the way you monitor email.  A brief explanation  about how to use RSS feeds is provided at www4.ncsu.edu/~scroggs/mywebsite/RSSfeeds.pdf.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

PFL seminars

I met with a representative of the Graduate School today.  She mentioned that students on the waitlist for the PFL seminars almost always get into the seminar.  If you are on the waitlist, you should go to the seminar with the expectation (not the promise) that you'll be able to stay.  If registration is required, you must be on the waitlist or registered for the seminar to attend. 

Career-oriented seminars are the most relevant to MFM,  especially the PDS series and the GLDS series.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On campus job

The Math Department hires Maple and Matlab consultants to work in our Multimedia Center.  Please contact Seyma Bennett Shabbir if you are interested.  Most positions are filled as the semester starts.